Home National Phoenix Mother Sophia Simmons Arrested for Murdering Daughter

Phoenix Mother Sophia Simmons Arrested for Murdering Daughter

Sophia Simmon 38 accused of killing her daughter

Shocking news surfacing indicates that, a Phoenix mother known as Sophia Simmons aged 38 has been arrested following the murder of her days on Christmas Eve. This was after police was tipped off that she had placed her daughter’s body in a dumpster after allegedly beating her to death.

A witness who stays in New York revealed that she allegedly received a phone call from Sophia Simmons while confessing to have beaten her daughter and she died. This unnamed child is believed to have been around 6 years old. And indeed, her body was found in a dumpster on Sunday at around 8 p.m.

Another witness says that she had gone to search firewood into a dumpster and found the lid was not properly fitted. On looking inside, she saw a body of a child and informed nearby security that called police.

Multiple injuries were found on the body of the girl that included legs and arms, to make matters worse, the girl had scars on her body that showed that she was a victim of abuse from long time. The New York witness continued to inform that, Sophia Simmons stayed with the body of her daughter for 5 days before taking it to the dumpster.

Further more, police investigators reveal that, by the time the search warrant was secured, someone was at Simmons’ house trying to cover the crime scene and Sophia herself was not at home at the time of search.

Her phone was tracked and she was found in California enroute back to Arizona, she was stopped outside Phoenix and taken to police headquarters, an outlet revealed. More evidence that keep implicating her is that, phone records show that she was near the dumpster at around 10:30 a.m. on Sunday.

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Sophia Simmons was booked into jail on a first degree murder, child abuse, and tempering with the crime scene cases.