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Population Census Enumerators Pay to be Tax Free

Population census 2024 enumerators to get tax free payment

Uganda Bureau of Statistics Executive Director (ED) Dr. Chris Mukiza has said that allowances paid to population census enumerators and their supervisors will not be taxed because this is their facilitation for population census 2024.

“Here is a breakdown of facilitation for enumerators and the various supervisors. Shs.50,000 daily for enumerators, and supervisors will earn 60,000 Uganda shillings only. They will earn Shs. 500,000 for 10 worked days,” Mukiza said.

Mukiza made the remarks on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 while addressing members of the press at UBOS headquarters in Kampala.

Mukiza informed the public that UBOS liaised with the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) to make exemptions for population census enumerators and they were not required to present Tax Identification numbers (TIN).

With the National Population Census 2024 slotted to begin on May 10,  the Census Commissioner said that UBOS has made arrangements to ensure everyone is counted, including those that will be traveling at night.

“If someone is always on the road, we will count them from their buses, and we will give them a card as a confirmation that they have been counted,” he reiterated.

He stated that there is no place that we will not reach including prisons or Barracks and all will be enumerated including students at universities who  will be enumerated at their halls of residence using the institutional questionnaire which also applies to health facilities among others.

Furthermore, Mukiza said that by Thursday morning, every population census enumerator will have their tablets. It should however noted that this will not affect the use, because, during training, every enumerator interacted with the tablets. So, there is no need to worry.

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“Thursday 09th May, will be Census night. It’s this night that all census questions will be referred to. As UBOS, we have made thorough preparations to ensure a smooth enumeration process,” Mukiza highlighted.

Mukiza also said that all enumerators shall have branded reflector jackets with an identification tag with a QR code.