Home National ARISECAL International Job Connections Boss Ronnie Exposed in Fraud

ARISECAL International Job Connections Boss Ronnie Exposed in Fraud


The ongoing Labour Export Exhibition is leaving no stone unturned, and another expose has been made on a one Ronnie, the alleged proprietor of a labour exporting company called ARISECAL International Mobile Job Connections that is located in Kyanja.

This Labour Export Exhibition Ug was started by a one Dr. Spire Ssentongo who gave a platform to Ugandans that have met bad experiences in the whole external recruitment setting. Many stories have been shared, many bitter ones are allover. But still, even the labour exporting companies and bosses have been not spared.

In this expose, an anonymous user posted with evidence of screenshots that, the owner of ARISECAL International Mobile Job Connections. And exposed his tricks he uses to get money from unsuspecting Ugandans. It is said that he charges an amount beyond Ugx10m to take people to Canada, but he never delivers, even after months of waiting.

This story gets more bitter when the person exposing Ronnie gets deeper to say that, he avoids the client after paying, and after like 6 months, he comes out telling the client that he used the money in the process of getting the visa and it wasn’t given to the client. So that he avoids refunding, and that it has been his ways of doing things.

And when one insists on getting their refund, Ronnie tells the client that they can proceed and go to court. Since he is a lawyer, he thinks they can fear him and let go of their hard earned cash.

There is a company called ARISECAL INTERNATIONAL MOBILE JOB CONNECTIONS KYANJA led by Ronnie who is a lawyer if not a pseudo lawyer he charges people Ugx10M to take them to Canada for jobs and promises to give them work Visas but after paying him the money you have to wait until he communicates back” the user said.

He says he communicates whenever necessary. But he never does communicate and even when you call him he never picks. 6months down the road he replies the company that was to give you there a job in Canada rejected you and he never refunds.” they continued to expose Ronnie and his company ARISECAL International Mobile Job Connections.

ALSO READ: Labour Export Companies Bosses Exposed for Sexual Harassment

He replies the money was used in the process so he cant refund, he says if you want your money you should sue the company and then we meet in Court since he is a lawyer” the expose continued.

Many Ugandans have ganged up on Twitter/X where they are sharing their sad stories and those they hear from friends. And we continue to warn you about these labour exporting companies, first check if it is registered by URSB, when you pay, get a receipt and notify authorities when they try to play games with you.