Home Business Sobi: The Sacrificed Lamb for the Wrong Deeds of Others and Himself

Sobi: The Sacrificed Lamb for the Wrong Deeds of Others and Himself

Sserunjoji Paddy aka Sobbi (sobi)

Ever since Sobi real name Sserunjoji Paddy was announced dead on the 18th of December this year, the ghetto was sheathed with darkness. Ugly photos of him cut in pieces flooded the internet, mixed emotions ran through our veins and yes, the lion of Ghetto was indeed down.

This is when I decided to get a pen and started jotting down whatever detail I came across on social media so that I come out with this piece you are going to read now.

We are going to look at the truths and lies that surround the death of Sobbi, some you have seen it on the internet and some you haven’t seen it anywhere. That is why we want you to keep around as we take you through the unthinkable.

Firstly, let me first give you the key before we delve into the story that will shake your hair. We have five parties in this situation. The first is Sobbi, the group he had (we shall call them the kids), the land owners (in this case, the late Paul’s family), the group that killed Sobbi (we shall call them The attackers) and the one that is occupying the land (we shall call him intruder)

Let us first see how Sobi came to be a great man in his empire.

He rose to fame when he did the unthinkable those days by attacking people and stealing their money. He used to steal from those that were coming from banks or mobile money. He bought his name when he appeared in a Bugolobi heist that made people lose lives. Since then, he was always on and off Luzira prison on cases of murder but he would luckily get away with it.

He then appeared on televisions and radios explaining the atrocities he committed and everyone was shocked to see that a serial criminal would appear in the media and he confesses but nothing happened to him. He used to wear a Bazzukulu ba Museveni branded t-shirt, but we came to learn that he was seeking the president’s recognition so that he could go back to the community as a clean guy after all security organs were after cracking him and his boys he commanded.

The genesis of his death

According to the videos of the eyewitnesses I have so far watched, I have come to realize that Sobbi was eaten by his own kids. No matter how he loved them, no matter how he tried by all means to help them earn a living, at the end of the day, they killed him.  You want to ask how?

Well, this takes us to four weeks before he was attacked and killed. When a one Kaliisa approached him  with a job of ‘protecting’ his alleged land, Sobi did not hesitate to take it up since it had a tempting and luring pay. That being his business he is known for after he ‘deserted’ being a criminal, he called his over One Hundred kids and drove them to Maddu, Gomba, the land of his death.

I then came to learn that, these kids were meant to be paid daily, and each day one spent on the field, was getting 25,000. This is a story now being narrated by a close kid to Sobbi. He says that he is among the first batch that went to work with Commander Sobbi. When they reached, as some kids got some cash, they would run away from the camp and go back to their ghettos in Kampala to cause inflation.

Then, in this kind of Sobbi and his deputies keeping collecting more boys to replace the deserted ones, that is when one Nyakaana comes in. How? It is being revealed by some other kid who had left the camp for a few days to go see his family, that Nyakaana contacted him and gave him a lot of money so that he betrays Commander Sobi and ends his dealings.

The kids accepts the deal, takes the money and on going back to the camp after a few days, he calls Sobbi in private and tells him about a possible plot to kill him. He declared the cash he was given to the commander, and that is when Sobbi started to know that he may have been set up to go meet his death in Gomba.

Furthermore, I came to learn that he suspended two kids indefinitely after suspecting they were moles for Nyakaana. Because even, among those kids that would go back to Kampala from the other original 100, there is one who accepted the money from Nyakaana. He came back to the camp also, Sobbi suspected him and interrogated the kid in a military way until he pleaded to be forgiven and he asked to be sent back to Kampala.

This kid revealed every plan to eliminate Sobi from the people he ‘worked’ for. You may ask yourself, if Kaliisa is the one that gave Sobbi the job, how does Nyakaana find interest in eliminating him yet he is not in the picture of this land wrangle? We shall explain why later. From that time Sobbi got clear intel that he was to be eliminated, he started to be a ‘wise’ commander by getting lost a bit from the kids and coming back asking them to be alert and ready for any possible attack.

This explains why even at the time of the attack, he was not around the camp. The kids say he had gone somewhere they can’t define. In a further bid to secure himself and the kids, he bought them whistles and asked them to blow them in case of an attack and the commander was not around!

At this point. He knew he was a target and whoever wanted to finish him was going to win him 90%. These kids say that, at the time of the attack, they were 30 remaining (although numbers differ as you listen to other kids but they all say they were 30 and others say they were 35). What baffles my understanding is that, the Attackers knew the exact number they had come to attack.

This can be picked from the lines of one kid who was asking himself how these people knew that they were a less number than they came. “I heard them say, kill them all don’t fear attacking them they are now few we have outnumbered them” Those were the words of the leader of the defenders that attacked Sobbi’s camp.

The Attack

It was on a Monday (18th December) at 10:45 am when Sobbi’s camp received uninvited guests on the land that they were protecting from intruders on orders of their boss Kaliisa. They came advancing when Sobbi was away from the camp base. The kids blew whistles which alerted Sobi from wherever he was, and he came running to find the boys confused on what to do. He ordered them not to fight until the attackers started the fight.

More so, he asked them not to kill anyone unless they killed one of them. They stood up with sticks and pangas and started to push back the attackers. But in all that scaffle, only one word was being said; “for us we need Sobbi their leader even if we don’t kill others” Surprisingly they knew his name and they knew he was the leader!

So, the fight went on as they pushed each other to and fro, until Sobbi realized that his time had come. He then started retreating backwards in a form of withdrawing, something that prompted his kids who were putting up resistance also to run and follow him.

That is when one kid was hacked to death, the attackers didn’t stop there, they advanced and followed Sobi’s kids to their camp base and that is when the game was over for the lion of Ghetto. He was first hit with a stone, he fell while trying to enter the tent, the rest of the boys ran to the nearby maize garden as they hid and watched what was happening to their boss.

One kid recalls seeing the leader of the other attackers rolling Sobbi making him face upwards and cut his neck with a sharp panga. That is when he knew that their lives were at stake. The same kid kept wondering how these attackers only wanted Sobi and the reported land owners, but mainly him.

Before he died, he appealed to his kids not to stop the fight and that they should emulate him and work hard for their families like he did. He continued to ask them not to go back to the old systems of being criminals, but rather keep being responsible citizens.

Where was the Police?

Well, I know you are asking yourself this question, why did it take so long for the police to come? The fight started at 10:45 am and Sobbi was killed at 3pm, but police came at 4pm. This is confirmed by the kid who Sobbi told that he was done calling police and military. The other recalls seeing him call police while panicking but no one showed up until he was finished.

This leaves us with the question of whether police were involved in this clique, or whether it delayed because of a lack of transportation to the scene. But as we have read above, we shall leave that to you. After the death of Sobbi, everything went to normal, the killers went away and then police came without finding any killer on the scene.

Sobbi you have defended many land grabbers, but you wont help this one grab our land. We vowed to get you and kill you, we have now done it. We can now go in peace” the leader of the attackers was overheard saying. And there were 3 cows there, they slaughtered on and said it was a sacrifice for winning the war.

So, who really killed him?

The answer is, it is the kids he was working with, one or three of them was leaking information to the attackers. Because of the words we have heard above, the attackers saying that Sobbi’s numbers are few since many kids had gone back to Kampala. Remember his group was staying 6 miles from the rest of the community. So how did they know? At this point we praise the power of money Nyakaana used to extract information from the poor kids who were working with Sobi.

Is the government involved in this?

Many are attaching his death to the government, saying that he was used and killed. But according to our investigations, we have the answer.

And the answer is no, Sobbi’s killer is the one who wanted him dead due to an earlier botched mission that landed someone in trouble. That is according to the statements made by the kids. Because even, Sobi had left the camp the previous three or four days to go to Kampala and check on some other workstation he had in Kampala.

That was after the other kids he trained to handle those things had failed on manning the situation, When he reached in Kampala, he found out that still, someone had given them money to desert him or else help them kill him. He rejoined the Gomba camp on Sunday evening and died Monday.

So is it the end of the ghetto?

One of his co-commanders known as Commander 001 said that, whoever killed Sobi to demoralize them wont achieve anything. That he is now the commander of the ghetto and he will reorganize the kids and take them back to the grounds where their leader died from and achieve his mission to make him proud wherever he is.

And he assured the government that they would not make a physical attack to anyone, but rather they would keep following the legacy of their slain leader.

ALSO READCatholic Church Declines to Pray for Sobbi at Burial – Here is Why

Sobi was the lamb that was sacrificed to cover up the wrong deeds of three groups. First himself (by being eliminated because of his deeds, becoming his own sacrifice). Secondly, by the group of Nyakaana and lastly by the people that hired him to postpone the court hearing on the same land which he was protecting.

We came to learn that the court hearing was slated for 20th December 2023 and coincidentally, he died two days to the day! Every dot adds to something that gets us closer to who killed Sobbi and why.

He was buried on 20th December 2023, and he left behind wives and children including twins.

For feedback kindly email us at zivugauganda1@gmail.com