Home National MUBS Guild Elections 2024: Who is the Winner and Loser?

MUBS Guild Elections 2024: Who is the Winner and Loser?

Who is the winner and loser of the MUBS Guild elections 2024

With the MUBS Guild elections 2024 just hours from being conducted, the tension is high in different camps that are aspiring for the biggest students’ office and other minor offices. Apparently, the elections are slated for 22nd March 2024 at the University’s campus in Nakawa.

With all the chaos and fracas that happened a couple of days ago, during nominations when JWB was dumped, school authorities are hoping for a calmer environment as the Three candidates in the race for this position are tussling it out man on man.

These candidates include Benedict Luswata from the Uganda Youth Democrats (UYD). Luswata was the replacement of the viral and social media darling, Juma Wasswa Balunywa.

Balunywa was supposed to be UYD’s flag bearer but they stalled in giving him the party card. It was from this that he decided to stand as an independent but unfortunately didn’t get past the nominations stage. Luswata is a year two student doing a Bachelor’s degree (BPSM II). His political slogan is ‘navigating ideas and steering for tomorrow’s progress’.

Another one is, Amanya Moses a year two student pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in International Business and is the flag bearer of the NRM. His slogan says that ‘it’s hard to fail but it’s worse to never have tried, the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.’

Lastly is Ofoyrwoth Steward Chopre, he is standing under the National Unity Platform (NUP) ticket and is also a year two student pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Resource Management. His slogan is ‘restoring students’ values.‘ Staistics have it that Chopre is the favorite to win this MUBS Guild election 2024.

This can be hugely attributed to the party he’s representing, NUP. The Bobi Wine led party has been sweeping elections at the university level massively for the past couple of years. Besides, Chopre has been impressive in the guild debates that have been happening in the recent days.

However, NRM’s Amanya Moses also seems to be a strong contender for this position. The battle generally will be between NUP and NRM . Furthermore, the election will take place at the MUBS Parking Lo and the requirements to vote are a MUBS national ID and the examination permit for the last semester.

ALSO READ: Juma Wasswa Balunywa Arrested on the Guild Nomination Day as Protests Emerge at MUBS

In brief, the winner of this MUBS Guild elections 2024 is likely to be Steward Chopre who is estimated to get 55%, followed by Amanya Moses with 30%, and lastly Luswata with 15%. Let is wait for D day to decide who takes the top seat as the results will be made official on 23rd March.