Home National Ibanda People Started to Shower Daily – NWSC Ibanda Quips

Ibanda People Started to Shower Daily – NWSC Ibanda Quips

NWSC Ibanda district

The National Water and Sewerage Corporation branch of Ibanda District has provided some interesting insight about the people in the Western district of Uganda. According to NWSC, the people there have finally started to shower on a daily basis.

The water leveraging body said that the dry season which is being experienced there has increased the usage of water as people shower several times in a day to cool the high temperatures. This caused the shard drop in water supply in Ibanda district that raised high concerns.

Additionally, they also use it for domestic purposes but not so much as for hygiene which looks to be a new phenomenon amongst the people. Furthermore, NWSC assured the locals that they have constant water supply guaranteed so this problem of shortage is to be worked on the availability of numerous water sources found in the different areas in Ibanda.

“Water usage in Ibanda is on a higher rise than ever before in this dry season because nowadays people shower many times than they used to to cool themselves. And for other domestic use. But As NWSC -Ibanda Area we are aware of the situation and it’s almost sorted since we have standby water sources of Mukazi, Nyakatookye, Kamukuri, Kyereta Source.”

Whereas it is raining cats and dogs in Kampala, other areas of the country seem to be receiving the scorching sun in plenty. The months of June and July are known to be very hot throughout the different areas of the country.

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However, our sources in Ibanda told us that it rained heavily this week and the locals who rely heavily on farming as the major economic activity are hoping for constant rains going forth.